Snow Closures

Decisions on snow closures or delayed openings are typically made by 5 a.m. so that an announcement can be disseminated by 5:30 a.m. To ensure information is readily available in a variety of formats and modes, announcements will be shared as follows:

  • Snow delays or closures will be posted on the university home page ( and a message will be recorded on SU’s hotline (206-296-2200).
  • A text message will be sent using the university’s emergency text messaging system to all current staff, faculty and students. Any user who does not have a Seattle University account can sign up for SeattleU text messaging services by simply texting SeattleUalert to 79516.
  • An e-mail will be sent to all students, faculty and staff with closure specifics.
  • Postings will also be made on the university's Facebook page and Twitter account.

Weather conditions can change quickly, so please look for updates from the university on closures, delayed openings or early closures. In all cases, faculty and staff should use their best judgment about how safe it is to travel based on the conditions near their homes. Please inform your supervisor (by e-mail or phone) if weather conditions impact your ability to be in the office.

If the campus is closed due to inclement weather conditions, the university will move to virtual instruction and operations. Faculty are expected to communicate in advance with students regarding contingency planning for their courses. Faculty with questions about providing continuity of instruction should consult with their department chair or dean's office. Staff should consult with supervisors on the details of virtual operations.

Radio and TV outlets typically report on our closures, though we cannot guarantee the timeliness of those reports. AM radio stations KIRO 710 and KOMO 1000 and FM stations KNKX 88.5 and KUOW 94.9 air snow closure announcements. Local television stations KOMO, KING, KIRO, KONG and KCPQ also announce school closures.

(Updated Jan.. 9, 2024)